When I finished the 2013 Chicago Marathon, I pretty much was done. Remember me? I am not a runner! I was thrilled to be able to say I completed a marathon. So when my eldest son decided to throw his hat in the ring this year, I was all for cheering him on from the sidelines. His response? “C’mon, Mom! We have to do this together!” Yeah…no. I haven’t run a block since the 2013 marathon! I was done. And by done I meant, well…done. But on his insistence, I went ahead and put my name in the lottery. Seriously, what are the chances I’dRead More →

Well, the best-laid plans. I had planned (really, I did!) to train well (or well, train) for the marathon. But as it happens, life got in the way. I did, indeed start training in a way consistent with my I-am-not-a-runner capabilities. I started with a 3 mile walk on the treadmill in mid-June, and by the second week of July I was doing walk-runs (mostly walking) outside 4 days a week. I was following the Nike “Finish a Race with Coach Purvis” plan as best I could, considering my unpredictable work schedule. If the plan said run 6 miles, I walked 6 miles. If itRead More →

I finally started training for the marathon! Well, sort of. I downloaded this great training plan from the Nike+ Run Club website. The program is free, and the link was sent to me as part of an e-mail update from the Chicago Marathon organizers. Basically, there are three plans to choose from: 1) Finish a Marathon (that’s all I’m looking to do here, people), 2) PR in a Race (considering I’ve never raced in my life…I am technically guaranteed a PR. Sweet!) and 3) Beat the Kenyans (or something like that). So, yeah. Pretty easy choice for this newbie runner. The 18-week plan is set up so thereRead More →

This is Alissa, and I love her. Alissa started cutting my hair more than 20 years ago. That says a lot, considering the fact that except for my father and me, no one (and I mean NO ONE) cut my hair until I was 27 years old. Seriously. Hence the bowl cut throughout the 1960s. At some point after that, I just let my hair grow, cutting the bangs myself as in this picture from 1973: Or this beaut from my 8th Grade graduation in 1975: In my late 20s, I had my hair cut here and there by a few professionals. No one got it right. TruthRead More →

May. Mayo. Maj. The weather in Chicago is becoming more beautiful each day and that means the Chicago Marathon is getting closer by the minute. I really should be starting some sort of training, but unfortunately, life gets in the way. Busy with work. Busy with the kids. Busy taking care of my mom. BUSY. Like so many women, I wear many different hats. I’m a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a career woman, an entrepreneur…the list goes on and on. I am frequently asked how I am able to do so much. The answer is and always has been: My incredibly supportiveRead More →

As I embark upon the wonderful world of preparing for a marathon (notice I haven’t said anything about actually TRAINING for a marathon), I am perplexed and quite frankly annoyed by the naysayers I am finding along the way. When I first told that certain special someone (henceforth referred to as TCSS) I was considering doing a marathon, rather than a big congratulatory hug, I was met with “A marathon? Uh, shouldn’t you maybe try a half marathon first? Or a 5K?” Now let’s be clear. He was right. Seriously. I have never run, and now a full month after registering for the marathon, IRead More →

I am not a runner. Except of course as a small kid running around the neighborhood, I have never run in my life. In fact, I’ve never participated in any organized sport, let alone any type of a race. So of course when my youngest son suggested he and I sign up for the 2013 Chicago Marathon, I thought, ‘sure, why not?’ Heck, something like a half million people complete a marathon each year! I mean, how hard could it be? Never mind the fact that the first person to complete a marathon died at its completion. “The name Marathon comes from the legend ofRead More →