It’s the last Friday of the month, and that means it’s time to open up the Runfessional! I’m linking up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice for another Runfessions session!
I have to runfess, I’m over winter. The snow hasn’t been horrible (yet), but we’ve dealt with some brutal cold here in the midwest and I’ve had enough. We hit 40 degrees today and it felt like a heat wave.
The London Marathon is in just over nine weeks. I must runfess, that eight-hour time limit does nothing for my motivation to train. I’m trying to be good about it, but you know me.
I runfess, my crazy business travel last month rendered me pretty useless in most every other aspect of my life. With travel to five states and three different time zones in less than a week, I literally lost track of what day it was. While no business travel = no business income, I am happy to have a little bit of a break.
I runfess the more I read about the Balloon Ladies and the early sweeps at the Tokyo Marathon, the happier I am that I didn’t get picked in the lottery this year. While it was my first attempt, all I knew was I had little chance of getting in. As I read more and more discussions online about the many rules including the early sweeps, I’m happy to wait until I have my training back on track before I attempt again next year.
That being said, I runfess I’ve got my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed in hopes I will find out next week that I have a spot in the New York City marathon. I know it’s a tough course but since the race isn’t until November, I will have plenty of time to prepare. Theoretically.
How has your month been? Do you have anything good to runfess? Good luck to everyone running Tokyo next month. I can’t believe it’s almost here!
I will be running the London Marathon on April 28th, raising funds for Whizz-Kidz, an organization that provides wheelchairs and mobility devices for children and young adults. If you’d like to contribute to my fundraising efforts, you can do so by clicking on the link below. Any donation, big or small, will help and is greatly appreciated!
Click here or on the picture to get to my fundraising page!
Yeah, I’m done with winter, too. I don’t care how pretty the snow looks, I’ve seen (and shoveled) too much of it. I want my summer back 😉
Hey, at least that snow shoveling counted for some upper body strength training!
Tokyo is going to be tough! There’s just so much pressure to beat those time limits and then the fueling thing… thank goodness London isn’t like that. Get that one out of the way…
I’m super excited about London! I think a lot of people going in to Tokyo aren’t quite clear on the rules. I’ve read posts by people who were swept because they didn’t understand the strict cutoffs at each 5K. That would be horrible after traveling all that way!
Is it 8 hours in London? I swear after Tokyo, London’s gonna feel like I’m running back to the arms of my lover. The weather is still mostly shit, but when the sun makes an appearance, like today, it feels gloriously strong! Yessss!
You will of course be fine for Tokyo, but Tokyo —> London is a much better order than London —> Tokyo in terms of the times. London will be a virtual walk in the park!
I really hope that you get into the NYC Marathon too! It’s such a great race and I can come cheer you on!
That would be so awesome! We will find out on Wednesday. If I happen to be so lucky, I hope my son gets in too!
Crossing my fingers and toes for you that you get into NYC ! Race lotteries can be so stressful!
I’m really excited about it, but it’s my first time trying, so I’m also being realistic!
fingers crossed for NYC – it’s such a great city to run in! Business travel can suck the life out of a person.
It’s exciting to think I will know either way about NYC in just a few short days! The business travel sounds glamorous, but it is more exhausting than anything!