Wow! In the blink of an eye, it’s time for the June installment of Let’s Wine! I can’t believe how quickly this month has flown by. Have a seat with your favorite libation, and let’s review the month together! I’m more of a red wine lover, but in the summer months I do enjoy a cool, crisp Sauvignon Blanc as I prepare for dinner or while hanging out on my deck (or at the local Mariano’s, as the case may be).
Some quick stats as I close out the month:
Walking/Running: 53 miles
Biking: 27.5 miles
Gym Workouts: 6 hours
Wine Consumption: Waaay less than usual! Is that a good thing?

My walking/running mileage is up a little this month and will continue to grow, as I started my official marathon training this month. I’ve always (sort of) followed the Nike Running “Finish a Race” plan, which is pretty forgiving and great for first-time marathoners. The first four weeks of the plan call for running or working out 5 days a week, and then starting with Week 5, a sixth day is added to include weekly long runs, starting at eight miles and topping off at 20 miles in Week 11.
This year, I decided to try the Nike Running “Set a New PR” plan. Like the “Finish a Race” plan, this is a 15-week training plan leading up to the big day. But unlike the first plan, which starts Week 1 with a total of 9 miles, this plan starts with a total of 25 miles and six days of running or working out starting the first week. Well, then, how about we jump right in?! The first plan calls for a total of 363 miles over the course of 15 weeks, while the second calls for 588.9, to be exact!
I’m up for the challenge. This will be my 5th year in a row doing the Chicago Marathon, and in two weeks I will be running my 9th half marathon, the Destination Races Napa to Sonoma Half (by the way, if you’re interested in these beautiful wine country half marathons, you can use my Promo Code DRAMBJUR to receive $10 off of your registration for all but the sold-out Napa to Sonoma half marathons in their series). While I won’t be joining the elite runners just yet, I thought it was time I (try to) pick up the pace a little and boost my finishing time. I am by no means near a BQ time, but I would love to PR this year, if even by a few minutes.

Anywho…June has been a pretty good month here at the home front. My youngest son is home from college for the summer. The older two are out of the house already, but I love having all of them home, and nothing brings me more joy than seeing the three of them together, horsing around and showing each other their brotherly love.

On June 9th my darling little great-nephew was born, and he is absolutely perfect! My husband had knee replacement surgery a little over two weeks ago, and is doing fantastic in his recovery. He had a less-invasive procedure done, and is already up to walking about a half mile three times a day. He’s not ready for a marathon just yet, but it will be good to see him fully recovered and free of the pain that has been plaguing him for years.
My eldest son is getting married in September, and wedding plans are in full swing. As the mother of the groom I have little to do, but it is so exciting for all of us as the date is getting closer and closer. I’m very much looking forward to meeting more of the beautiful bride’s family and friends in the coming weeks and months.
How was your month? Did you meet your workout goals? What upcoming races are you training for? Have a safe and happy 4th, and of course, cheers!
Great job on your mileage and workouts this month! Congrats on your new great-nephew! 🙂
Thanks! He is such an adorable little peanut!
Sounds like a great month! Wedding planning is always fun. 😉
Yes, always good to be planning for such a happy event!
I can relate to how wonderful it is to have all three sons together. Very rare in this household unfortunately. Enjoy it. Good luck to your husband in his recovery. I’m sure you are babying him! These new minimally invasive surgeries can be such a better option, I’m glad to hear of how well he is doing.
Thanks! We’re fortunate that the two who are already out of the house live in the city, so we get to see them fairly often.
Sounds like a very full month. Here is to a terrific July!
So far so good! Now if this humidity would just break!
Looks like you had a great month, I want to run Chicago someday!!!!!
You sure had a busy month! Oh new babies are so snuggly! Great job with your workouts and mileage!
Thanks so much! I wish those babies would stay small and snuggly. Mine are all grown!
You definitely had a great June. Here’s to an even better July!
Thanks so much! Now if this danged humidity would just break!
Great job on your mileage and your workouts + congrats to you on your new great-nephew!! I hope your husband is doing better!
Thanks! The baby AND the husband are doing great!