Let’s just get this out there, for those of you who don’t know me or who haven’t been following me on social media (and why the heck haven’t you, BTW?): I didn’t train for this race. Now for those of you who do know me, that comes as no surprise. In fact, I pretty much haven’t trained for any of my races. But this time around I was really bad. And by really bad, I mean logging less than 50 miles in the four months leading up to the race, with most of those miles being walking. And so as we tell our kids, my advice to you is this: “Do as I say, not as I do“. I would not recommend embarking on any endurance event without proper training! And yet, I finished. And in fact, this wasn’t even my slowest race. Grandma’s was my seventh marathon in the past five years and depending on how you look at it, it was either my fifth fastest, or my third slowest time. Glass half empty, glass half full, right?

My son Mark and I signed up for the race on December 31st of last year, the last day to register and get a free fleece-lined, full-zip jacket. These beautiful jackets arrived back in February, though we dared not wear them until race weekend. I also received 10% off of my registration fee for being a Marathon Maniac. What can I say–I can’t pass up a bargain! And with the race not being held until the middle of June, I’d have plenty of time to train, right? Right… I’ll spare you all the excuses details about why I didn’t train, but race weekend came and once again, I wasn’t prepared, yet once again, I wasn’t deterred!

We had a flight out of Chicago into Duluth late on Thursday evening. It seemed everyone on our flight would be running Grandma’s but as my husband noted, who the hell else would be flying to Duluth on a Thursday evening??? (Calm down, Duluthians, I found your town to be absolutely lovely!) We arrived at our hotel at around midnight, and quickly fell into deep sleeps. We awoke on Friday morning and went out to explore the town. It was a gray day with storms predicted throughout the weekend, so we were constantly on weather watch. Part of the race would be re-routed this year due to construction in the area. Still, we looked forward to a scenic race along the beautiful coast of Lake Superior. We found a spot for breakfast, then headed over to the expo for packet pickup.

The expo was held just a few blocks from our hotel, at Paulucci Hall at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center in Downtown Duluth. The expo was very nice and of considerable size. There were lots of exhibitors, with packet pick-up at the back of the hall. We picked up our race packets which included our bibs and a few other things, but surprisingly, no race shirts. We found out later that finishers would receive their shirts at the finish line after being awarded their medals.

Once we picked up our packets, we were directed to have our bibs checked to make sure our timing devices were working and were properly assigned to our names. What a great idea! It was a very quick and simple process (it literally took seconds to complete), and I can imagine more and more races will be employing this simple step in the future. We navigated the expo and purchased our tickets for the pre-race all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner, then headed back out to explore the town. Duluth is a quaint little town with lots of small restaurants and specialty shops. We passed Grandma’s Restaurant, for which the marathon was originally named. We stopped at a few places, but decided to head back to our hotel as the sky darkened and severe thunderstorms loomed in the distant sky.

We got back to the hotel just as the skies opened up, and were surprised to find a hospitality room open to all runners, complete with lots of snacks, drinks, and even wine and beer! We grabbed a few snacks and chatted with the volunteers for a little while, then headed back to our room for a much-needed nap. We would have a very early start the next morning, and wanted to get as much rest as possible.

We headed back to the expo at around 6:30 p.m. for our all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. It was absolutely delicious, and we definitely ate too much! We met some other runners and chatted it up for a while. We met a very nice young couple from Boston, who had run Berlin last year. Since I will be running it this year, they gave me lots of great tips, including the name of a German restaurant that I am very much looking forward to trying. We wished each other luck for the race and parted ways, bellies full and beyond carb-loaded.

We were on constant weather-watch as the predictions for storms kept changing. By the time we fell asleep just before midnight, the report was not looking good. I have to admit, a small (but not too small) part of me secretly wished the race would be cancelled. I knew it wouldn’t be cancelled unless there was lightning, but having never run in the rain, I didn’t know if I could do it for 26.2 very slow miles. I rolled over at around 2:00 a.m. and checked again, and the predictions changed to 40% chance of storms. Was I happy or sad to see this change? I rolled over and fell back asleep without giving it another thought.
We woke up just after 4:00 a.m. because we wanted to catch the train to the start, and we heard we would have to get there by 4:30 a.m. to get a seat on the train. We arrived at the pickup spot at around 4:45 a.m., and were among the first to board. There were a few luxury cars and since we were some of the first to arrive, we snagged some comfy seats for the almost one-hour ride to the starting area. We arrived at the start at about 7:15 a.m., and with the race starting in 30 minutes, we immediately made our way to the very long lines at the porta-potties. The wait was so long, we had someone snap a picture of us, and then my son bailed so he could get to his starting area. I, on the other hand, decided to wait it out, and finally made my way to the front of the line just minutes before the race started.

The temperatures were in the 50s, with humidity in the 90s, but luckily no rain was in the forecast at that point. I dumped the rain ponchos I bought for us, a decision I would later regret. There was a very heavy fog throughout most of the race, and the air was very damp and heavy. Though most of the course ran along the lakefront, there was very poor visibility until I reached mile 15. Not having trained, I knew I would be very slow, but I joined the 5:30 pace group with the plan to keep up with them for at least the first five miles. With a generous seven-hour course time limit, I never doubted I would finish this race. I started with the pace group and met a very nice woman named Sarah. We chatted for the first three or so miles, which was a bit difficult for me (did I mention I didn’t train?), so I slowed to a walk and said I would try to catch up in a few minutes. I met a young couple in their 20s, who said they also had not trained and had never even done a 5K. My kind of people! They were happy to know they weren’t the only ones crazy enough to jump into a marathon unprepared, but of course they also had youth on their side! I caught up with Sarah and the pace group, and to my surprise, I kept up with them until about 7.5 miles. I was getting winded the more I tried to chat, so I once again slowed to a walk. I kept the pace group within view, but by mile nine I lost sight of them and knew I would be on my own for the rest of the race. I walked with the young couple for about a half mile, then started my own version of run/walk intervals.
The air remained cool, heavy, and damp, and by mile 10 I was starting to get cold. The breeze started to pick up off the lake, and by the time I hit mile 12, it started to rain. Super. It rained for the next mile, so by mile 13 I was completely wet and completely cold. About a mile up the road I picked up someone’s throwaway zip-up hoodie, which was thankfully dry. I wore it for about a mile, which really helped. I kept up with my run/walk intervals (really more like walk/run intervals at this point) until about mile 20, then decided I would pretty much walk the rest of the way. I stopped at porta-potties at miles 14 and 22, and filled my handheld at water stops a couple of times along the way.
Somewhere along the route there was a small polka band playing, so of course I had to stop and polka for a few seconds. I gratefully accepted a chunk of banana at around mile 17, but besides that, I relied on my Tailwind in my handheld to carry me through the race. There was a pretty good uphill at around mile 22, by which time I was pretty cashed. I told my son I would text him when I had four miles to go, but decided to wait until I got closer to the finish. I texted him at mile 24 to let him know I had two miles to go. He of course had already finished the race, showered at the hotel, and was at Famous Dave’s having lunch with his friend Andrew, who drove in from Minneapolis to see him race.

At mile 25 there was a couple playing Cotton Eyed Joe on their banjos, and I gave them a good laugh when I stopped to dance (did you know there’s a dance called The Cotton Eyed Joe? Or that I used to enter country dance contests back in the day? But I digress…) I thought I would run a little more in the final mile, but I decided to wait until the very end. There was really no point in trying to kill myself to cut a few minutes off of my time. I of course ran it in for the final quarter mile – gotta make it look good for the photo at the finish! I ran through the finish, accepted my medal, then picked up my finisher’s shirt and beer ticket. I made my way to the beer tent and met up with Mark and Andrew, and was thrilled to learn that Mark not only made, but beat his goal and came in at 3:32:18 (a 13-minute PR!). We snapped a few photos, drank our beers, then headed back to the hotel so I could shower and we could all nap.

That night, we began what would become a (well-deserved) 24-hour eating frenzy! We went to Bellisio’s Italian Restaurant for dinner, then to Dairy Queen for ice cream. By 9:30 p.m. I was ready for bed! I headed back to the hotel, while Mark and Andrew went bowling, of all things! We awoke at around 7:00 a.m. on Sunday. Andrew headed back to Minneapolis, and Mark and I headed out to breakfast. We found a place called Loui’s Cafe, and in honor of Father’s Day (and my late father, Louis), we decided that would be the place to go! We had an excellent breakfast and by the time we left, there was a long line outside, so we were happy to have gotten an early start.

We drove northeast along the coast, retracing our steps retrograde from the race finish to the start. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, so we were able to see the beautiful lake views that we missed because of the foggy race conditions. We headed further northeast to Gooseberry Falls State Park, and enjoyed the beautiful views along the raging river.

Just as we headed back to the car, the sky darkened and it started to pour. We drove back to the hotel in the pouring rain, grateful to have circumvented the storm once again. We had scheduled a 3:00 p.m. late checkout, so we relaxed in our room, then packed our bags and went out for a late lunch/early dinner. It was still pouring outside, but the rain slowed just enough for us to run from our car into the restaurant. We decided on OMC (Oink-Moo-Cluck) Smokehouse, on the Instagram advice of our new runner friends from Boston. It did not disappoint! We enjoyed the dried pork rinds with their delicious homemade chipotle-cilantro barbeque sauce.

We then pigged out (pun intended) on our respective pork sandwiches (Mark had the Korean BBQ pork belly sandwich, and I had the spicy Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah pulled pork with pepperjack cheese and pickled jalapenos) and beef fat fries, nicely paired with beers from the local Bent Paddle Brewing Company. Needless to say, our bellies were full! Finally, we headed to the airport only to find that our flight was delayed. Luckily it was just by an hour, but it was almost midnight by the time I got home.

Hell, yeah, this was a very long post! But 26.2 miles is a very long race. And hell, yeah, I got it done! What a fantastic weekend we had — me, just for making it out alive, and Mark, for hitting such an amazing PR! I’m so happy we’ve had these opportunities to run marathons together. As long as I can keep moving, we’ll have many more fun weekends like this one!
Have you ever run Grandma’s Marathon? What was your favorite part of the race? Any big races coming up for you this year?
You are the BEST!
Loved reading your recap….. well done, my friend!! 😘
Thank you, my dear! This one was a struggle, but I did it!!!
Congrats on another marathon finish!
Love the photos of all the food you enjoyed while in Duluth! I have heard really great things about the city and Grandma’s Marathon. I may need to add this one to my list.
It’s definitely a beautiful race! The town is so quaint, and the views are breathtaking!
Grandma’s does not disappoint! I ran it in 2015 (in rain for the first two hours), and then last year it was very hot. Both races were fun, though, and the course is SOOO scenic! That’s the only marathon I’ve run more than once, and I’m hoping to go back someday and run it again (maybe in 2019).
I’ve never been to that part of Minnesota. It’s so beautiful! I may someday run it again. I really enjoyed it.
Congrats Linda! I’m glad all turned out well for you. It must be a Minnesota thing to hold the shirts til after the finish. Twin Cities is the same way. I was this close to running Grandmas this year but given that weather I’m glad I didn’t. Ha!
My son thought the weather was ideal…hence the PR! Me? Not so much!
Congrats to your son on his huge PR! I love that you and your son run these races together. I’m glad you made it through despite the weather.
I wish my other kids would get on board. It would be so fun for all of us to do a marathon together!
I’m impressed that you could run 26.2 miles without training. And not get injured.
I’m not one for training either but only run 13.1 that way.
I’m so lucky to have not injured myself! One of these days I will seriously train!
Wait-how have you never run in the rain before? I am amazed that you can do marathons without training! Love the IU shirt 🙂
I’m such a wimp when it comes to the weather! I’m just glad it didn’t pour the whole time. I don’t think I would mind the rain if the temperatures were warmer, but 50s and rainy sounds miserable to me! Yes, all my kids and all my money went to IU. Go Hoosiers!
I always hear such wonderful things about this race. And I’m so glad it went well for you, despite your lack of training. I think we’ve all been there. Congratulations!
It was definitely a great race. Too bad the fog obscured so much of the view. I’m glad we got to see it the following day.
CONGRATS! I do know the Cotton-Eyed Joe dance. I know two versions of it, actually haha. I’m glad you had a good time. I want to do Grandma’s one day. I didn’t realize there’s an hour train ride to the start, though! Yuck.
Yes, you can either take the train or the bus. Everyone pushed the train as a necessary part of the experience, but I could have gone either way. We boarded the train at 4:45 a.m., but the race didn’t start until 7:45 a.m.!
It sounds like you had a great weekend. Your base fitness level must be pretty high to do so well without training. That spread for runners is impressive — and making me hungry! A lot of the races I do have you check your bib by walking over a mat and seeing if your name pops up on a screen. Its not a formal process, though, and some runners might not notice as they are heading away. I don’t know the last time I’ve gotten a shirt afterwards – sounds like a lot of race day logistics for them to deal with!
I think checking the bib is such a great idea! I definitely would have preferred getting the shirt before; it was just one more thing to lug around after the race.
Congrats on a great race! Seriously, you make it look easy. Now I wish I hadn’t bailed last year. I could have walked it…
Thanks! I know walking is not in your make-up, but you seriously could walk this one. The course cutoff time is 7 hours!
I love that you get it done no matter what! That is some mental toughness right there. I need to know your secrets!
Well, I am a Gritmaster, after all!
Wow, all that food looks incredible! Congrats on finishing your marathon. I’m in awe you were able to do that with little training. Amazing job!
Thanks so much! I am slow, but I am determined!
I think I want to do this race! Looks like a lot of fun and a fleece jacket plus that spread- lots of perks. Congrats on finishing with no training. 26.2 is hard but without training, wow that is def tough! And your son is pretty awesome with a PR of 13 minutes! What’s his training program? Congrats to you both!
It’s definitely a must-do race in my opinion! My son loosely followed the Nike training program. Now that he has knocked so much time off, he’s really looking to BQ (which I think is 3:05 for him!) We are doing Chicago in October, and he is planning to more strictly adhere to the Nike program to see just how close he can get.
I saw so many people talking about the race this weekend! I was just in MN a few weeks ago. It is so pretty up there! My mom went to college up in Duluth 🙂
Way to get the race done! The food looks wonderful and I am sure you really enjoyed it after all that running!
Congrats to your son on his PR!
It’s such a beautiful area of the country! I think it would be fun for you to do it, given that your mom actually lived in the area for a time!
Congrats to both you and your son on a great race! Your son is so speedy, and I’m jealous of your ability to finish upright without training. I’ve heard nothing but great things about Grandmas. Its right at the end of the school year, so far from ideal timing, but maybe it’ll work out for me sometime in the future.
Thanks so much! Yes–he’s fast–and now has his eyes on Boston. He still needs to cut about a half hour off of his time! Grandma’s is definitely a nice race. I now see why so many people love it!
whoah what a recap!! congrats to Mark on his PR. Glad the rain only came (mostly) AFTER the race (I know you had a bit during but from your recap it sounds like it was worse the next day). I totally would have Cotton Eye Joe’d (I’m originally from NM, we learn that sh*t in school!). I have never done grandma’s, and I’m not sure I would purposely go to Duluth (sorry Duluthians, I am sure it’s a great place!).
My next “big” race (marathon) is Warsaw. I am going to do the total opposite of you and train for it 😉 I’ve done Berlin (and been there many times!), it’s a fabulous city. I can also recommend at least a great pasta place for before the race if you are interested.
Thanks, Renee! I bet Warsaw will be fun (especially with training!) I will definitely hit you up for pasta dinner and other recommendations in Berlin! We are making a big trip out of it, starting with Berlin, then heading to Prague, Vienna, and finally Krakow. My grandparents are from a small town outside of Krakow, so I am very much looking forward to that part of the trip!
Congrats to your son for his great finish! And good for you for finishing in spite of, um, subpar training. :-). I can’t imagine sticking it out once it started raining. It sounds like you had a great trip. I’d love to run Grandma’s someday!
Thanks, Debbie! I’m so happy for my son! He wants to train to BQ at Chicago…But that’s another pretty big PR for him, so we will see. He definitely has the dedication to do it! Grandma’s is a great race. Too bad the fog obscured so much of the beautiful views.
Congrats on another marathon finish!
I truly remember your first marathon at the Chicago Marathon.
This was my 25th Grandma’s Marathon and 450th marathon overall, and 2,048 career race. I ran a very comfortable 3:55 in the cool weather.
I hope to see you at Chicago Marathon where I will be pacing the 5:10
Group this year.
Stay happy and healthy.
Take care,
Pacer Tom
Thank you, Tom! I can’t tell you how happy your message makes me! You were (and still are!) truly inspirational in my life, and I will never forget that first experience with you in 2013! If it weren’t for you, I would have never run a marathon (and likely any other distance) again. I had of course never heard of the Marathon Maniacs and made it my goal to become one after meeting you that day. I regret not running with you last year. I’m sure you would have taken me through. I am running Berlin in September and then Chicago again in October. My goal is to run all the Worlds. While I will never BQ, I will by hook or by crook run that race some day. That very first Chicago Marathon with you remains my PR at 5:24:58. I vow to run with you this year and will run through that finish with you by my side!!!