I can’t believe the Chicago Marathon is just two weeks away! As always, my training has been consistently inconsistent. With the weeks winding down, I’ve gotten a couple of long runs in, and now it’s time to taper. It has been unseasonably hot and humid in Chicago this past week and I am so hoping this heat wave will break before the big day. My stats for the week:

Sunday, 9/17: Post-wedding relaxation and Cubs game with the bride and groom and 30 of their friends and family!
Monday, 9/18: A much needed rest day!
Tuesday, 9/19: 45 minute strength training
Wednesday, 9/20: 15 mile run
Thursday, 9/21: 45 minute strength training

Friday, 9/22: 12 hour work day
Saturday, 9/23: 12 hour work day
So for me, not a bad week. I was happy to get the long run in, especially given the brutal heat and humidity we’ve been experiencing.

I broke out a new pair of shoes to run in in the next two weeks, and I got a blister on my heel for the first time since I started running! What’s up with that??? I guess better now than two weeks from now. I’ll continue to run and strength train in the next two weeks, and will run with a pace team again to help keep me on track. Considering my only goal ever is to finish, I’m in pretty good shape. It will be here before we know it!
How has your fall running been so far? Have you been experiencing these unseasonable warm fall temperatures?
Race day is coming up! You are so ready -seems like chicago is the place to be this year
I’m so excited–especially with it being the 40th year!
Ohh, I hope your blister heals up soon. That is no fun for sure.
And on both feet! UGH!!! At least there is plenty of time for them to heal before the marathon. If I have any more issues, I am going back to my previous pair.
Glad you got your long run in! I like the color of your new shoes – what are they?
They are Asics Gel Kayano 22s. They are currently on #24, but I haven’t like the colors, so I keep buying these online.
I have been LOVING the summer-like temps recently!! (I know…I’m kind of the exception to the norm LOL)
I don’t mind the heat that much, but oh, that humidity!
I had an issue with new shoes last week, too. Must be something in the water…
Haha maybe! This is my 5th pair of the same exact shoe in the same exact size, so I’m not sure what the problem was.
Ugh to the blister! How uncool!
I also love the new Oofos. I haven’t seen the clog version yet.
Your mileage and everything looks great – you are definitely in shape and ready to go!
I don’t know if we can call it unseasonably warm here. Things don’t start to maybe sort of cool off a little until November or December. We’ve had some pleasant days because of all the storms, but the humidity is nasty.
I think the humidity makes everything that much worse!
I love the OOfos clogs. They have a breast cancer support version but were out in my size. I just love them!
Sounds like you are ready to conquer the marathon!
As best as I can! I’m hoping the fall weather will stay after this weekend!
Dang, you are so busy! Good luck with the Chicago Marathon. I’m sure you’ll crush it.
Thanks! I’m hoping life will settle down a bit in the coming weeks!
Kudos to you on that HOT 15 miler! I feel like mother nature didn’t get the memo that all “officially” started on Friday, lol
It was brutal, for sure!
I too am hoping that this heat wave will come to an end prior to the start of the race. With the amount of hot and humid miles that so many of us have been logging lately, we deserve a break from it on race day.
That’s for sure! I’m grateful the cool weather has finally arrived, but more high temperatures are predicted for next week. UGH!