Let’s Wine ~~ August 2017

My, oh, my where has the time gone? Fall is in the air and it’s time for the August installment of Let’s Wine! So grab a glass of your favorite varietal (or any other libation of your choosing), and let’s reflect together on this past month!

Some quick stats as I close out the month:

Walking/Running:  32.4 miles

Biking:  40.5 miles

Gym Workouts:  2 strength training sessions, 1 cardio

Wine Consumption:  Oh, how I love me a good pinot noir!

You would never guess I have a marathon coming up in less than six weeks, with another to follow two weeks later, seeing as I walked/ran one third of the miles I did the previous month. I’m pretty sure I should be increasing and not decreasing my miles at this point! Yikes. I have added more miles on the bike and have added some strength and cardio to my workouts, so at least there’s that!

Hospital staff waiting for the big event…much ado about nothing

August has been a busy month for me with some added hours at work to help cover some shifts during a colleague’s medical leave of absence. I have to admit, I’ve liked putting in the extra hours. I run an education/consulting business from my home and work part time at the hospital. I sometimes feel very discombobulated when I return to work after a number of days off, and often have to spend a couple of hours on my first day back trying to catch up with what has been going on with my patients. I like the consistency of working several days in a row. I worked the day of the solar eclipse. Very lackluster from my part of the world, but it was fun joining lots of the hospital staff outside to try to catch a glimpse.

Beautiful view of the city I love

Earlier in the month my son’s future mother-in-law invited me to tag along as they finalized some plans with the wedding. We enjoyed a nice lunch together and then went to check out the venue. It is a beautiful loft with floor to ceiling windows facing the Chicago skyline. I can’t wait to see the sun set over the city as a backdrop to this beautiful event. With just two weeks to go, we are all getting so excited…well maybe not as excited as me, as I finally (finally!) found shoes to match my dress. Yay!!!

My son sent me a list of some of the band’s suggested mother/groom songs for us to dance to. Yaaaawnnn. Nothing fit our personalities, and I spent far too much time Googling and You-Tubing and still came up with nothing. So we decided to go with something fun instead. Stay tuned for next month’s installment. I’ll hopefully have some fun pics to share!

My Halloween Baby will soon be 21!

Also mid-month my youngest son drove back to college for his junior year. Talk about time flying! It seems like yesterday I was sending my baby off to kindergarten. It was so much fun having him home for the summer, especially when the older boys came home. I am never as happy as I am when my boys are together. Lots of fun, board games, and just your basic horsing around. Pure joy. We are hoping to plan a family trip to Las Vegas to celebrate his 21st birthday, which is coming up this Halloween. My birthday buddy…we were born on the same day a mere 35 years apart!

And in all fairness, I have to make mention of my middle son. He will be the best man at the wedding and I am loving talking with him about plans. I can’t wait to hear his speech at the reception. Knowing him, it will be a doozy…and a very heartfelt one at that.

Special wine for a special occasion

Last, I was so-so happy to have made our final home mortgage payment on the last day of this month. Woo hoo! We celebrated with uh-mazing (and huge!) filets that my husband made on the grill, along with a special bottle of wine we’ve been saving for just this occasion. What a great feeling! Now just two more years of college tuition and we can finally breathe a little sigh of relief!

How was your month? Any fall family events coming up? Cheers!


  1. I love that you added more miles to the bike last month. Considering how hot and humid it was, that was probably a great idea!!

    You have a busy Fall ahead but filled with all good things!!

  2. Looks like you had a great mileage last month! I haven’t had wine since my birthday three weeks ago! I miss it! I still feel dizzy from anesthesia during surgery. Once I’m recovered I plan on enjoying a glass or two!

  3. You have a lot going on…and lots to look forward to 😉 Our big fall event doesn’t involve the hubby and myself (well, except for financing it), but we’re flying the two youngest (son is 20 and daughter is almost 18) out to their older sister (23) in Pennsylvania so all three can go to a concert together. Whodda thunk? Something all three can enjoy together 😉

  4. Sounds like a hectic month for you! Congrats on paying off your house. We’re getting close too, which is good considering that we’ve got my youngest eyeballing Northwestern.

    Enjoy the wedding!

  5. I prefer cycling on hot and humid days too! It is so much more manageable than running. Sounds like a good month! I love a good Pinot Noir as well 🙂

  6. I’m with you, my August mileage was lower than my July mileage, and I too have Chicago right around the corner. Here’s to a better September for both of us!

  7. That looks like a lovely venue for the wedding! Eeek 2 weeks! So exciting!

  8. Congratulations on paying off your home! I’m actually in the process of refinancing so we can hopefully pay ours off sooner. It’s a bucket list item for us! 🙂

    1. Author

      That’s what we did. We started with a 30 year back in 1994 and then refinanced at some point, so we are done after 24 years instead. It’s a great move!

  9. Wow sounds busy. Congrats on your last mortgage payment, that must feel amazing.

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