Oh, what a week it has been! Most everyone in the country has been affected, but we in the Midwest, and especially you in the Northeast, got quite the hard weather hit this past week. Here in the Chicago area, we woke up on New Year’s Day to a temperature of 6 degrees BELOW ZERO. And that doesn’t include our infamous wind chill! All I can say is Brrrr! If you read my most recent post, you know I’ve fallen off the running train since my Ragnar race in November. New Year’s Day was not the day to get back on it.

The following day, Tuesday, was no better. I worked a 12-hour shift and when I left for work at 6:00 a.m., the local temperature was -9º. Did someone say Brrrr? Despite my 12-hour work day and the below-zero temperature, this was the start of the Strava Lululemon 40|80 challenge, where we are challenged to run either 40K or 80K over a 14-day period, from January 2nd to January 15th. If you know me, you know I am always up for a challenge, so of course I signed up for this dead-of-winter challenge! What better motivation to get back into running? So on my lunch break I layered up over my scrubs and took a 3-mile trot around the medical center. It was slow-going as I weaved around the constant flow of traffic in and out of the many buildings on our campus, but I got three miles in and I was on my way.

By late Wednesday morning, the temperature had risen to a balmy 10º! I had the time and the gear, so I bundled up like a kid on a toboggan ride and hit the road. Another slow go of it, but I managed to add six miles to the challenge. I was bundled up so well I could barely move, but I felt comfortably warm the entire time, so that right there made it a successful run for me.
Thursday was a little cooler, but by the time I got out the door, it was back up to 10º. I know that sounds absolutely insane to those of you who are not used to cold climates, but here in the Midwest, we deal. It helps immensely when the sun is shining, and most of the week was beautifully bright and clear. It actually felt fantastic to be out there. There were tons of kids out sledding, people walking their dogs, and several other runners on the road. For me, there were another 5.2 miles to add to the challenge.
After a lazy holiday week, I had tons of e-mails and business to catch up on, so I decided to take the day off of running on Friday. I knew we were expecting warmer weather over the weekend, so I decided I’d get me runs in then.
Saturday came and I was happy to see the temperature rise to 15° by early afternoon. I logged 7.3 additional miles toward the challenge. My son Michael gave me a new Garmin for Christmas, and though I was moving slow in all my layers, I cracked up when my watch showed this was my fastest run to date. Forget the fact that it is was only my 4th run with the new watch, but I’m happy to be setting new PRs so early in the year. It can only get better from here!

Sunday was predicted to be the warmest day in weeks, but with the warmer temperatures comes precipitation. The forecast called for rain and sleet by early afternoon. I knew that was the case, but I also wanted to see my youngest son, David off to school for his second semester of his junior year at IU. He pulled out of the driveway at 12:30 p.m. and a few minutes later I was out the door. It was lightly drizzling by that time, and I knew it would be bad when I saw the sheet of ice starting to form on the windshield of the car in our driveway. Still, I wanted to get my miles in. The sidewalks were absolutely treacherous, between all the walks people didn’t bother to shovel in the previous days (seriously, people, how about being considerate toward your neighbors or ~ ahem ~ complying with the law?) The walks that were cleared (thank you dear neighbors) were starting to ice over. No bueno. The streets were a little better, but as I was skidding and slipping with cars heading toward me, I decided that was even less bueno. So I diverted my run to weave through a neighboring subdivision where there would be less traffic and I can stick to the streets.
Stick, however, is the absolute opposite of what I did. I slipped and skidded numerous times, but luckily I never fell. I was engaging muscles I never knew I had just to stay upright! I wasn’t sure how far I would go as it was intermittently drizzling the entire time. In the end, I logged 6.2 miles. Not as many as I had hoped for, but enough to get me a little past the halfway mark in the Strava Lululemon challenge. I’ve logged a total of 27.7 miles (or 44.6 kilometers) in the first six days of this 14-day challenge, so I am well on my way to completing the 80K!
So, not a bad start to the new year. This was my highest mileage week in almost two months. I’m hoping to keep this up, along with a few other goals for the coming year. I will highlight those in my next post.
I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. How was your week? Did you join the Strava Lululemon 40|80 Challenge? Drop your Strava handle here and we can follow each others’ progress!
I’ve yet to even start the Strava challenge – bad runner!!! It’s been stupid cold and bad weather here – like freeze your face off kinda cold!
It is so friggin’ cold here! Though the temperature is in the low-30s today, which feels like a beach day compared to last week!
The streets and sidewalks here have been a mess – so glad you didn’t fall! Great job with the challenge so far!
So far Sunday was the only bad day in terms of the streets being icy. Otherwise it was just friggin’ freezing!
I give you major props for doing outdoor runs this week. I also signed up for the lululemon 40/80 challenge but none of my runs last week counted since they were all indoors. Hoping to get in all my runs outside this week!
I wish they would count indoor runs. That would have really helped last week. I really had to push myself to do it.
Way to go! It’s fun how the cold temps can motivate you to pick up the pace! I hope things warm up for real for you soon.
Thanks! Luckily it has warmed up a bit, but I think we are expecting rain!
I thought about doing the Strava challenge…but, then I realized that I needed to let the FOMO go. I finished the run streak, and my body needs an off-season, so that’s what happened. Good timing, too, because it was our coldest week yet last week. For once, fate worked in my favor 😉
You did an amazing job with your streak! With my crazy work schedule, I’m not sure I could do all those days in a row.
Isn’t it just crazy the things we will do for a free pair of shorts from Lulu!! I think I will only manage the 40K but I am proud of myself for getting out there
Right? What a cruel twist it will be if there are no prizes this year!
I feel like I’m the only runner who has not joined that challenge. It’s been so friggin cold my motivation to get out there is MIA. Although this week feels like spring comparatively…
Isn’t it crazy what a change in weather we’ve had between this week and last? That’s Chicago for you!
So many people are doing that Lulu challenge! I’m trying to chase my PF away, so no running for me. Plus 15F? That’s COLD!
It’s fun to be watching everyone in the challenge, but this cold weather is for the birds!
If anyone is going to crush this challenge, it will be you! I’m going to send you a virtual wave on our way to 80!
You and me both, sister! You are killing it!
Ummm I am feeling alittle guilty about complaining about the cold here after reading this…..its been cold for Florida but not your cold.
All relative, right? My son was in Orlando last week and it got done into the upper 30s overnight!
Oh wow that sounds cold! I live in southern California so 40 is cold to me! In which case, it has been “cold” lately!
I know it’s all relative, but 40 sounds absolutely amazing right now!
That is crazy!!!! I mean you do what you have to do, but I can’t even wrap my head around it! I didn’t run last week because we were in the mountains, but I am back at it, and hoping to score 40k in the same challenge.
It is absolutely insane! What made me think this was a good idea is beyond me!
It can be hard to stay motivated in the cold weather, but it sounds like you are making great progress to your 80k goal!
I’m trying! I am just about 75% to goal and the weather is improving, so that’s a huge help!
I grew up in Chicago and do not miss it one bit during the winter months! That pic of the car is crazy. I hope it warms up quick for you!
I’ll tell you, the older I get, the less I like living here! I don’t mind the snow, but the bitter cold is becoming too much!
Isn’t it funny that New Years Day fell on a Monday. A new year, a new month, AND the 1st all on the same day… Yet mother nature kept many of us “Type-A” people from being goal getters that day, haha.
I thought I’d get out for that 1st of the year run, but it just didn’t happen. Too darn cold!
That’s just insanely cold! I’m sure the infamous Chicago wind makes a huge difference too. I did join the Strava challenge but not before realizing my long run on New Year’s Day wouldn’t count and there was no way to reschedule it. Thanks for linking!
That’s a bummer about your long run! It did same odd that they are running the challenge starting on Tuesday, but maybe they thought many people would not be running on NY Day!
Congrats on the increased mileage! Getting out to run is so hard with how cold it has been lately. I think we’ve all earned an early Spring.
Thanks! Now if I can just keep it up!
oh my good lord!!!!! serious bada$$ery to be out in that cold! I do miss Chicago, but I do NOT miss these temps!! Way to get out there anyway!
Thanks! It sure wasn’t easy!