Weekly Wrap ~ July 22, 2018

It’s once again time for the Weekly Wrap! I’m linking up with Wendy over at Taking the Long way Home and Holly at HoHo Runs for this week’s wrap-up. I got to meet both of them in person this weekend for RnRChicago and it truly was an epic weekend! My recap of the race is coming soon!

Admittedly, I don’t have  much to report for the past week in terms of workouts, as my California racecation continued through Wednesday and there was more wine tasting than there was workouts and runs.

This is how my week went:

Monday:  Rest day, having just run the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon the day before. We left Napa and headed to our hotel in Santa Rosa. We enjoyed a complimentary tasting and wine tool museum tour (who knew there was such a thing?) at Buena Vista Winery, then headed up to Healdsburg to visit friends at their beautiful vineyard.

Buena Vista Winery

Tuesday:  A casual walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and back, totaling just over 3 miles. It was overcast and very windy. I would have love to run across but the walk did wonders for stretching out my tight legs. We headed back to San Mateo where we had an amazing dinner and more great wine at my friend’s home.

A windy walk across the Golden Gate Bridge

Wednesday:  Travel day. We had a lazy morning enjoying coffee on my friend’s patio, then headed to SFO for our flight home.

Thursday:  1.25 mile treadmill run and 30-minute strength training.

Friday:  Back to reality.  12 hour work day.

Saturday: Rest day and meet-up with a number of running bloggers. Such a fun day!

Running Bloggers Meetup. You’ll see this pic in lots of peoples’ posts!
Just change those numbers to 100% across the board.

Sunday:  13.1 mile run for RnR Chicago. It basically poured the entire time. Did I mention I’ve never run in the rain? More on that in the recap later this week!

It’s been a good week for me. A little bit of running, and a lotta bit of friends! The weather in wine country was absolutely beautiful and was a nice break from Chicago’s heat and humidity.

How was your week? Don’t forget to check out Wendy and Holly‘s blogs, and visit a few of the other linkers while you’re there. You may just find a few new friends!


  1. Wine in the Napa valley sounds like a must.

    You’ve never had rain during a race?? Look what you missed out on!

    Lucky you to meet all those bloggers IRL.

    Looking forward to reading everyone’s race recaps.

    1. Author

      Seriously, not even a block in the rain! It basically poured the entire time, and I was surprised I wasn’t miserable. It was warm enough and in fact I found myself laughing much of the way because it was so relentless!

  2. Oh, I can’t wait to get to San Francisco this fall. Running across the Golden Gate Bridge is way high on my list of things to do!

    It was a good week on this end. I got in everything I hoped, which is certainly helpful.

    1. Author

      It is so beautiful there in the fall! I’ll be anxious to hear about your experience running across the bridge. Lots of people who don’t understand simple directions! Glad you had a good week!

  3. The rain wasn’t as much of a buzzkill as it could have been…but it did come close LOL Once I was wet (like at the 1-mile mark), it didn’t matter 😉 It was so much fun meeting you and driving around (and around and around ) with you 😉

  4. Whew! That was a holotta rain. The lotta bit of friends was the best part!

  5. I can’t believe that you never ran a race in the rain before! You’ve been very lucky, lol. Yesterday was difficult with the weather so congrats on another half marathon finish!

    I am so glad that I had the chance to meet you this weekend. It was so much fun and thank you for telling us about the Napa to Sonoma race!

    1. Author

      It was great meeting you, too! I really surprised myself by not having a complete meltdown because of the rain. I think if it was also cold, that would be a whole other story!

  6. You’ve never run in the rain? Wow! I think I’ve run more in the rain than anything else, over the years! Goodness me! Lovely to see everyone meeting up, I went like, “Hm, could I get over there next year?”

    1. Author

      I guess I just haven’t run enough, or I’ve been very, very lucky! The bloggers are all talking about doing this race again next year…just saying!

  7. I love your pics from Cali! I traveled out there several years ago and we biked the golden gate bridge which was a lot of fun.

    1. Author

      It’s just such a beautiful part of the country. I do love the Midwest and especially Chicago, but I could easily see myself living in California.

  8. Haha. Well, it sounds like you had a baptism by fire experience with that rainy race! I did a mud obstacle course in the rain and, while it wasn’t super fun at the time, it’s the most memorable for me!

  9. I forgot that you had never run in the rain–when we saw you at brunch you didn’t seem fazed at all. I’m looking forward to both your recaps!

    Glad we finally were able to meet. Let’s not just meet up for races, but just to get together!

    1. Author

      I was surprised the rain didn’t really bother me. The warm temperature definitely helped. I think I was more humored than anything. The more it poured, the more I thought, ‘WTF’!!! Hoping to see you again soon!

  10. I thought I commented earlier (?), but here’s #take2…anyways, it was so fun meeting you in person this weekend! You have the greatest attitude about simply enjoying the race and not dwelling on pace or finish times…we all could learn a few joyful lessons from you 😉

    1. Author

      Thanks! I guess since I started running so late in life (in my 50s), I’m not thinking about speed or improving my time. So great meeting you as well!

  11. wine tools, huh? a whole museum for them?

    I have never walked across the Golden Gate! I would so love that!

    You are so so lucky to have met all these wonderful ladies in Chicago. Color me jealous!! And now you can check running in the rain off your list 🙂

    1. Author

      I didn’t find the wine tool museum as fascinating as it sounds, believe it or not. Ha! It was great walking across the Golden Gate but it seems bikes shouldn’t be allowed. Too many people going in different directions on a relatively narrow path is definitely no bueno!

  12. You really make me want to visit wine country. I’ve never been over that way! Oddly, I’ve only run a handful of races in the rain. You’d think it would be a lot more. This was definitely the MOST rain I’ve experienced. It was wonderful meeting you this weekend! I hope it won’t be the last time. Thanks for linking!

    1. Author

      From the sounds of it, lots of people have had some very rainy runs. I guess we’ve been lucky. Great meeting you too! Hopefully we can all get together again soon!

  13. You started and ended the week with fun adventures, in California and at the blogger meetup. It helps make the not so fun parts of the week, like a long day, more bearable. 😄

  14. That trolley is beautiful! Sounds like you had a great time after the race!
    Love that so many bloggers were able to get together in Chicago! So fun!!
    Running in the rain is a pain!
    Looking forward to reading your recap!

    1. Author

      Everything about California and the wineries was beautiful! It was so fun connecting with so many bloggers in Chicago. I am enjoying all of their race recaps and am starting to wonder what the heck I’ll be able to write about!

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