It’s time for the Weekly Wrap! I haven’t posted one in a few weeks because unfortunately, I haven’t done much to wrap about. I’ve been traveling like crazy which is good for business, but bad for marathon training! My travel involves teaching eight hours a day, three days in a row. I arrive for class at 6:30 a.m. and teach until 4:00 p.m. daily. It is lecture format so I am talking almost non-stop the entire time, and I usually am exhausted by the ends of the days. I travel around the U.S. and Canada conducting these classes, and I am gone four to five days at a time. While I try to get some runs in on the road, it is sometimes not possible. Besides the travel, I have a ‘regular’ job where I work my 12-hour days. Exhausted much?
I did get a little done this week, however (queue the panic button with Berlin less than two weeks away). This is how my week went:
Monday: 3.5 mile run. I am running with my neighbor once or twice a week depending on my travel schedule. He is faster than me and is very patient with my need to walk. I am loving these runs for all kinds of reasons, including the accountability factor that gets my butt out the door at 6:00 a.m.

Tuesday: Travel day. I planned to run 10 miles when I arrived in D.C., but my flight was delayed by over four hours due to mechanical issues, so I didn’t get to my hotel until almost 9:00 p.m. No run for me, though I did put a couple of miles in walking around airports!
Wednesday: Work day. It was pouring outside when I finished so I went back to my hotel room and passed out for a couple of hours instead. The sleep was much needed after the previous day’s travel woes.
Thursday: Another day of teaching. At 4:00 p.m. it was 92° outside with a feels-like temperature of 102°. Nope. Not gonna do it.
Friday: My third day of teaching, then I wrapped things up and headed straight to the airport for my flight home. Another no run day for me.

Saturday: 5 mile run with my neighbor who is beyond encouraging about Berlin! Later, my mom and I attended her caregiver’s daughter’s wedding. Check out how good my mom looks at the age of 89!

Sunday: 10 mile run/walk. It was absolutely brutal out between the heat and humidity. I ran/walked the first five miles and walked the second five, doing mental-math the whole way about where I was in what time and how that would translate to a full 26.2 miles.
Overall, I’m happy with my week. I’m working a 12-hour shift on Labor Day, then heading to California early Tuesday morning, teaching Wednesday through Friday, then flying home early Saturday morning and working a 12-hour shift on Sunday. Then three days later my husband and I are leaving for Berlin! Aye, aye, aye, it’s no wonder I’m always tired (and always undertrained)!
Berlin will be just the start of a two-plus week trip to Europe. We will be celebrating our 30th anniversary this October, and by ‘we’ I mean I will be in Seattle alone teaching a class (I also spent my 50th birthday on a plane by myself to God-knows-where. Ah, the joys of owning a business. You have to go where the work takes you)! So Europe will be our anniversary celebration. We will arrive in Berlin on Thursday and will stay until the day after the marathon. From there we are taking a train to Prague for four days, then a train to Vienna for five days, flying to Krakow for five days, and then flying home. Oh, and I’m doing the Chicago Marathon just nine days later. WHAT WAS I THINKING???
How was your week? I’m linking up with Wendy over at Taking the Long way Home and Holly at HoHo Runs for this week’s wrap-up. Be sure to visit their blogs, and check out a few of the other linkers while you’re there. You may just find a few new friends!
Best wishes and have a wonderful trip! Can’t wait to see the pictures!
Thanks, Donna! Bob bought a new pocket-sizzed digital camera for the trip, so there will be plenty!
Maybe by Thanksgiving, you’ll finally have time to settle in for a nap (after you have cooked the turkey and pumpkin pie). Dang, you are constantly on to go!
Seriously…Thanksgiving really is when things will finally slow down for me!!! I’m already booking into 2019.
Well, who knew? We’re celebrating our 30th this month! We’re not going anywhere. Hoping to get to see Hamilton. And dinner.
Have a great week! <3
Ah, just one more thing we have in common! My best friend has seen Hamilton three times already (maybe even four). She absolutely loves it! Happy 30th!
Great job! I love that you have found a neighbor with whom to run, who goes at your pace. I love those kinds of success stories!
You have done an amazing job balancing your schedule with all the travel and teaching you’re doing! Way to go!
Thanks, Jenn! It’s great having the company on these runs (though neither of us is good at talking and running! We’re looking at it as additional effort that can only help with training!)
Your mom looks amazing! So fun that you were able to spend time with her at a wedding 🙂
You travel so much and are so busy. I’m also amazed that you’re able to get in runs despite being super busy!
Thanks, Kim! My mom actually has lived with us for the past eight years, so we have plenty of time together! I wish I had more time to run (and to do everything else I have going on). There are just not enough hours in the day or days in the week!
Wow, you’ve been away from home quite a bit lately! Its definitely challenging to keep up with training while traveling, especially when there are flight delays and when Mother Nature is anything but friendly. Hopefully you’ll be able to get more miles in this week than you did last week. Fingers crossed!
It has been insane. I’m the one that schedules it all, so I have no one to blame but myself! But you never know when your phone is going to stop ringing, so you have to take it when it comes!
What do you teach? It’s so hard to get runs in when you work long hours.
Where will you be in California? It would be cool to do a short run together.
Just looked at your profile–I’m a nurse, too! I have been a nurse for 35 years–the past 29 as a neonatal nurse practitioner. Besides my hospital job, I own a continuing education & consulting business. I travel the US and Canada teaching classes for neonatal nurses; most often a 3-day review course for either the high-risk or low-risk NICU certification exam. Where in California are you? I will be teaching at CHOC in Orange.
That sounds like quite the anniversary trip! Happy Anniversary a little early too. We celebrated 30 by buying a new boat…the same way we celebrated 20! In fact that boat was named “The Happy Anni” LOL. We did actually go on a nice trip to the Virgin Islands to celebrate our 25th. Your Mom is a beautiful lady…just like her daughter. Thanks for linking!
Nice! My first marathon every was Chicago in 2013, which was the same weekend as our 25th anniversary. Our boys came in from college and the five of us celebrated all weekend long in Chicago during marathon weekend. Thank you for your kind words!
Great week! Mine was pretty crazy, last peak week before a two week taper. Then it’s race time!
Ah, the taper! Enjoy your next two weeks and of course your race!
Gah! I so wish the weather would’ve cooperated a little better with marathon training for you. Let’s hope Berlin is not hot too. Vienna has some of the best coffee I’ve ever had so make sure you enjoy some! Happy Anniversary!
Thanks! You may have seen my IG post today. I’m in beautiful, mild, and dry(er) California while my luggage (AKA my running clothes) is on another plane. Gah! is right!!!
Your schedule sounds grueling! If you ever have time to catch your breath in DC, let me know! Congrats on your upcoming 30th. Ours is October 1 but we will not be in Berlin. 😉
Well happy anniversary to you! Where are you in DC?
Wow, you were so very busy! I think airport miles should count double because of the crowds and the excess luggage you have to lug around, right?
Your mom indeed looks fabulous!
Thanks on both counts! Yes, dragging luggage around an airport definitely adds to the workout!!!
Good luck with all of your travels!!! Busy busy. Good job on getting in your workouts when you can, it’s so hard to keep up with a routine when you are traveling!
Thank you so much! My travel schedule has been insane lately. Things will settle down in about a month.
I can’t imagine an 8 hour day teaching. I teach one day a week for 3 hours and it’s enough right there, lol.
I’m sure it’s different because these are adult learners, but it is still exhausting!
Woah, that is a full schedule!! Sounds like my days a lot of the time!
Your Europe trip sounds fantastic! I have a few other friends running Berlin! I can’t wait to hear about it!
Cheers to some good sleep and 2 fun filled marathons!
Thanks, Esther! Looking forward to a fantastic race followed by a fun trip touring parts of Europe!
You are amazing to be able to run at all with such a schedule! I mean, I’m self-employed and it gets tight at times, but at least I work from home and can escape. Good luck for a lovely trip over here to Europe (wave as you fly over the UK, if you do!
I wish I had the time to dedicate to really training for these races, but that’s life! I’m happy just to be able to get things done!