In Friday’s post, I outed myself as the hot mess I’ve become. OK, maybe I exaggerated a bit, but as I’ve always said, if you have five, 50, or even 100 pounds to lose, if you don’t feel good about yourself, you don’t feel good about yourself. And that’s where I’ve been for the past few months. This past Chicago Winter was brutal, and while I fantasize about being a year-round outdoor runner, I simply am not. And I’ve humble bragged enough times that if you follow me here or on any of my social media accounts, you know I have a decent home gym. In other words, I have no excuses. And yet, here I am, still a good 10 (or more) pounds heavier than I’d like to be, and still feeling like crap.
So this past week, I finally hit the reset button. What made me finally do it? A few things. Maybe starting with the fact that I’m doing (notice I did not say running) Grandma’s Marathon in less than three weeks and I haven’t trained at all (thank goodness for a generous seven hour course cutoff time). Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m heading to Las Vegas for a business trip this week, and my BFF from college is meeting me there for a few days of fun and catching up. The last time she saw me I weighed 15 pounds less than I do today, and in typical me fashion, I felt the need to preempt our little reunion by preparing her by text for what she is about to see (and she so sweetly replied, “at 15 pound over you’re still skinny. I’ve been a lazy slug and only did two miles the whole week” (God, I love this girl!) Or maybe it’s the fact that I feel like crap.
Here’s a brief overview of how the week went:
Monday: I revamped my diet to what I know works for me
Tuesday: Unfortunately no workouts, since I had several appointments throughout the day (excuses, excuses)
Wednesday: 12 mile bike ride with my hubby
Thursday: A hot and humid 3 mile run (baby steps)
Friday: Rest day
Saturday: 30 minute stretch/strength training session (more baby steps)
Sunday: An even hotter and more humid 3 mile run (is it me, or did I just complain about cold weather?)
Not a stellar week by any means, but it’s a start. With Grandma’s next month and Berlin in September and Chicago in October, I really need to get my act in gear. Will I succeed in my quest? Time will tell. Stick around to see how I do. I love following all of you because no matter where you are in meeting your fitness goals, you all serve as such an inspiration to me!
I’m linking up with Holly over at HoHo Runs and Wendy at Taking the Long Way Home for this week’s Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out their posts as well as the posts of those who have joined the linkup!
I think we all can relate. For reasons I can’t explain, I’m always heavier in the summer — just in time to show more body in less clothes. I’ll blame it on margaritas. 😉 If you are going in the direction you choose, it doesn’t matter whether you get to your destination with baby steps or giant leaps. Thanks for linking!
I’m the same way. I’m usually in my best shape in the fall. At least that works well for fall racing!
I can relate to so much of this, I was in such a similar place last spring. (I still haven’t lost all the weight!) Baby steps is a great approach – nice job this week with your workouts!
Thanks, Sarah. Good luck with your continued progress toward your goal!
I appreciate your honesty! It looks like you’re off to a great start so far!
I actually started weight watchers today. I did it years ago and it really helped me with portion control and I’m hoping it will help to jumpstart my weight loss. I got on my scale today for the first time in weeks and I was shocked, and not in a good way!
Thanks, Kim. Everyone I know who has done Weight Watchers has had success with it. You’ve got this!
We all need to hit the reset button from time to time-You got this!
Thank you!
It’s always refreshing to start over. Good luck!
Thanks, Jenny! I’m pretty committed so I’m looking forward to some good fall races!
Eighteen miles running is a good way to get back on track. You can do this, it was a brutal winter and spring in Chicago. Now better things ahead and start each day new and don’t look back!💪💪💪💪
Thanks, Donna. It doesn’t help that I’m so crazy-busy all the time!
Committing to eat better is so hard! As soon as I even ^think^ about cutting back I feel like I’m starving even before I’ve cut a single calorie. It is worth it to feel better, though. Good luck!
The problem is, low-carb is the magic that works for me, but everyone in the house is not on board with it. My husband cooks most days, and he often winds up cooking two different meals, which isn’t fair to him.
I think you look fabulous but I completely understand how it feels not to be at your ideal weight. When I start feeling overwhwlmed about the weight I try to focus more of my energy on doing the exercises I love. Keep at it!!
Thank you for your kind comments! I know it’s not much to lose, but when you don’t feel good about your weight it feels like a ton.
I’m so sorry you’re not feeling good about yourself right now. I wish I could say something that would reassure you that you are doing great, but we all know that has to come from within. I think you have a lot going on, but that doesn’t make you a hot mess. It just means you’re busy.
See what you can squeeze in before Grandma’s and just go enjoy it. Everything will work out! And have so much fun in Vegas!
Thank you, Jenn. I appreciate your encouragement!
I’m impressed by your tenacity and how you tackle every challenge (aka marathon) head on! I have no doubt you’ll finish Grandma’s without a problem. I was signed up for it last year and picked it because of the flat course, but RA had to get in the way. I’ll have FOMO hearing about it! You got this!
Thanks, Wendy! My son is going for a sub-3:45 finish (which he should easily do). He’ll have a long wait for me at the finish! Luckily our hotel is just about a half mile from the finish, so he can shower and relax and then come back to meet me. If, of course, he doesn’t fall asleep!
I would say thats a pretty good start. This heat and humidity is really difficult to get used to!
Thank, you Lucie! Our summers often are humid, but this past week was brutal. And it’s only May!
I totally understand this. I have been hemming and hawing for months (Years?) and not feeling good about my extra weight. But… I feel like I FINALLY have grabbed the bull by the horns at the beginning of the month and I’m not stopping until it’s done. You know what to do, you know where you make excuses and you know how to get rid of those excuses. I’m running a marathon in September (sadly not Berlin) and I do NOT want to do another marathon 20lbs overweight!!! If you need anyone to partner up with you in accountability, I’m here!
Thanks, Renee. It will be great cheering each other on through the process!
Good luck with everything!! As we all know, the biggest part with any kind of “reset” is recognizing the button is ready to be pushed whenever the “pusher” is ready to take action 😉
Wise words! Once I commit to something, I generally go full force and stick with it. It just too easy for 10 pounds to turn in to 20!
I totally feel you on this. You know I’ve had weight piling on as well. You made a great start on the road back! It is not an easy one.
Why is it so easy to put on the weight and so hard to take it off???
Good luck with your upcoming race.
I did not train well for my recent half. It was supposed to fun and get it done. The rain destroyed the fun part. But I did finish. We’ll see how the summer goes…if I can get my long run mojo back.
Thanks, Darlene! I read your recap and I don’t know how you did it! There’s no way (never say never, I suppose) I could run an entire race under those conditions!
Your catchy web title caught my attention and then your words just rang so true for me…I haven’t been able to run these past couple of months and the extra 10 pounds just makes me feel dumpy even though I am not really considered overweight. I think I will join you in the whole reset….I know what to do, just need to do it! Thanks for the motivation!!
Thanks so much, Cathy! Stick along for the ride! I am pushing 15 pounds over right now and I am definitely feeling it! I just checked out your site and I see we definitely have a lot in common! I only started running 5 years ago at the age of 51. Thus far I have run Chicago (5 times), MCM, and now Grandma’s this past weekend. I will be running Berlin and then Chicago again in the fall. Looking forward to following your journey as well!