Napa to Sonoma Wine Country Half Marathon ~ Here We Go Again!

Disclaimer:  I received an entry to the Destination Races Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews.

On July 21st I will be running the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon, which is part of the Destination Races Wine Country Half Marathon series. This is one of my absolute favorite races because A) Wine, and B) Wine! But seriously, it is an absolutely beautiful course as well as a very well-organized race. I ran this race for the first time in 2016 (I’m running to the finish in the photo above), and I absolutely loved it ~ so much so, that I’ve made it my goal to run all of the races in the series. So far I have run the Napa to Sonoma race three times (you can read any or all of my reviews here, here, and here) and the Santa Barbara race once (click here for my review).

The Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon is the premier race in the series and typically sells out well before race day (so if you are considering running it, be sure to register sooner than later). The race starts at the Cuvaison Carneros Winery and finishes with a wine and music festival in Sonoma Plaza. Race participants receive a souvenir wine glass which can be used for wine tastings from the 20+ winery partners at the post-race festival. Race participants can purchase wine glasses for guests for an additional fee. And for anyone who doesn’t like wine, Silipint glasses can be purchased and include one beer with the purchase price (additional beers can be purchased after that).

Another reason I like running this race is because one of my best friends lives in the San Francisco Bay area, so it is always a good excuse to pay her a visit. And…friends of ours own a winery in Healdsburg, so we always pay them a visit while we are in the area!

Interested in running this race? You can register online here.There also is a Rosé 5K option for anyone who can’t do the half.

Have you ever run any of the Destination Races or traveled to Wine Country? Which is your favorite race in the series? What are some of your favorite California wineries?


I will be running the London Marathon on April 28th, raising funds for Whizz-Kidz, an organization that provides wheelchairs and mobility devices for children and young adults. If you’d like to contribute to my fundraising efforts, you can do so by clicking on the link below. Any donation, big or small, will help and is greatly appreciated!

Click here or on the picture to get to my fundraising page!




  1. I miss California so much! I may be moving back there later on this year though!! :]

  2. We honeymooned in the wine country–I’d love to go back. I’ll work on my hubs to see if he’d go along with the race theme…

    1. Author

      My husband never minds traveling for this one! We definitely get our time in enjoying wine country. We will probably travel Friday through Wednesday, with the race being on Sunday. We’ll get to see our friends, which is just icing on the cake!

  3. I loved our Napa Ragnar race but darn it got a little hot during the day. Wondering what it is like to run a half in July?

    1. Author

      I think one year it got really hot – especially for us slow finishers – but overall the temperatures are pretty mild earlier in the race.

  4. I have done a few destination races but nothing this cool! I would run this race just for the wine at the end lol

    1. Author

      The post-race party is amazing! Great music and food, and tons of wineries to sample from. It’s a really chill atmosphere and the whole Sonoma Plaza is really fun!

  5. Sounds like such a great event! Work makes it hard to plan that far ahead for a destination race, — maybe someday!

    1. Author

      I am fortunate in that we do self-scheduling at work and I set my own dates for travel for my home-based business. It usually works out but I definitely need to keep a calendar as I have double-booked in the past!

  6. I totally LOVE San Fran! I have not raced there, but have done a little running in the are when we were there three years ago. I so want to go back!!!!!

    1. Author

      San Francisco is one of my favorite cities! One of my best friends lives less than 10 minutes from the airport, so I get to see her whenever I am there. And who doesn’t love wine country???

  7. I have done one race in SF and it was great, but it certainly wasn’t as cool as a wine country race! What beautiful scenery! I am super jelly and you are going to have the best time! Can’t wait to read more about it!

  8. Looks fun! More importantly, I’m going to be supporting at London, wearing black and orange and hanging out at Westferry Tube at 14.7 and 20.3 ish miles. Whoo hoo!

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