Tuesday Topics: What I’m Looking Forward to in 2019

Happy Tuesday! This is the first installment of Tuesday Topics! Special thanks to Kim and Zenaida for keeping the Tuesday linkup alive in it’s new format! If you’d like to join along, just follow this link for the linkup rules and a list of upcoming topics. Today’s topic is What Are You Looking Forward to This Year? So let’s start, shall we?

First and foremost, I’m looking forward to getting my body back. I don’t know what the hell happened, but I am nowhere near where I want to be and as I said in my post last week, I feel like crap. So as of the first of the year, I’ve put on my big girl lipstick and I’m taking control. I’ve  revamped my diet, restarted my voodoo magic supplements, and have gotten back on the workout train. At only eight days in, I’ve dropped a few pounds, am sleeping better, and overall feel much better already. All this due to healthy eating, adequate sleep, and exercise? Who knew?

Another thing I am really looking forward to this year is running All. The. Races. As of today I am signed up for a 10-miler, three half marathons, two marathons, and a sprint triathlon, and I have my eye on a few others to fill in my race calendar throughout the year. I’m especially excited for our upcoming blogger meetup in April for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in Washington, DC. I have probably been to DC about a dozen times, but am rarely there for the cherry blossoms. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and they will be in bloom!

I am looking forward to both of my marathons this year. I am running London in April and Chicago in October, so they are very nicely spaced. With London I will complete the third of my six stars, so I am very happy to be at the halfway point! My son Mark (aka my marathon buddy) and his wife Holly will be traveling to London as well. Mark and I are running and Holly will be there to cheer us on! Mark and I are both running Chicago again – my seventh consecutive and his sixth. Several other bloggers will be running Chicago this year as well, so meeting up with them will be the icing on the cake!

Go Hoosiers!

Non-running related, I am looking forward to my youngest son David’s graduation from Indiana University in May. Where did the time go? All of our kids (and all of our money) went to IU. David will be going on for a Master’s Degree, but it will be exciting to see him close this chapter and move on to the next.

In May my mom will turn 90. She has lived with our family for over eight years, and we are looking forward to celebrating this milestone birthday with her!

What are you looking forward to this year? Don’t forget to check out to Kim’s and Zenaida’s blogs, and visit some of the other linkers while you are there!


  1. Holy smokes that’s a lot of races! Way to go. I’m hoping to do at least 1 5k and either a half or a 10k. I’m just not sure which ones yet. I need to get on that.

  2. You have quite an exciting race line up for the year! London is going to be so cool. Of course I can’t wait to host you for CB

  3. You are looking forward to so many amazing things! I love it!

    There are so many great races on your calendar for 2019. I’m still looking for “the one.” I hope I find it!

  4. I’m so bummed to be missing the blogger meetup at Cherry Blossom this year but happy I’ll get to see you in Chicago!

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  5. That is exciting about London and Chicago! That is so cool there will be a blogger meetup at Cherry Blossom. I’ve been wanting to do that race but forgot to enter the lottery last year.

  6. I also have a couple of marathons hopefully happening (#lotterygodswilling), and of course Cherry Blossom!!

  7. So many races!! I will be spectating and supporting clubmates at London so you’ll have to share your number and outfit so people can look out for you. I’ll post about where I’ll be, too. Exciting times!

  8. so many races and with that killer strong lean body you will have I’m sure it’s going to be an EPIC year for you!

    absolutely so stoked I’ll get to see you in Chicago! IT WILL HAPPEN!!

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