Here We Go Again!

When I finished the 2013 Chicago Marathon, I pretty much was done. Remember me? I am not a runner! I was thrilled to be able to say I completed a marathon. So when my eldest son decided to throw his hat in the ring this year, I was all for cheering him on from the sidelines. His response? “C’mon, Mom! We have to do this together!” Yeah…no. I haven’t run a block since the 2013 marathon! I was done. And by done I meant, well…done. But on his insistence, I went ahead and put my name in the lottery. Seriously, what are the chances I’d get picked two years in a row? Anybody? Anybody?

And then…this:

2014 Confirmation Header Cropped

2014 Confirmation Narrative Cropped

ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. Okay, this has to be some kind of a joke. I can’t even win two dollars in the lottery. What are the chances I’d get picked two years in a row to run a marathon? And so begins…another long journey towards completing a marathon. Why, why, why does this keep happening to me???

Nancy Kerrigan Why 2

Have you ever felt like once you have achieved a major goal, you were done? What got you back in the ring? Do you have a special “race buddy”? How do you encourage each other to keep going?

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